Today I received the Akai MPK mini 2 in the mail. living in small quarters prevents me from having a drum set which is a huge limitation for my music creation process so the solution I devised was to acquire a MIDI controller (the previously mentioned product) which has a two octave set of keys and eight velocity sensitive drum triggers. This is a temporary solution because I prefer to have the organic sound of an acoustic set but that is simply impossible in my current position. I am currently recording my third album and this will come in handy when adding the percussion/rhythm elements to the tracks. the setup process has been moderately difficult due to my DAW Tracktion (music recording software) being needlessly complicated with the setup of MIDI devices. I will persist and prevail.
the most important part of recording music is getting good takes with instruments and vocals. getting good recordings is the first and highest priority in the recording process. Once good takes are made you want to begin mixing. to mix you apply plugins such as compression, reverb, panning and so on. it is a good idea to listen to music you like, that would be a good example for your mix. I tend to listen to Dave Matthews band for this purpose. last night while listening I came up with some notes that I later applied to a song im working on called Aesthetic. I Equalized the alternating down beat shaker (used as a snare) to the root note of the key the song is in. a minor touch but I think it adds a lot to the mix. I also noticed how Dave's vocals cut through the layer heavy song; there was minimal reverb and decay, so I rolled down both of these parameters which yeilded positive results. It is like Anne Lammot referencing authors she enjoyed, especially her father, you want to read...
That music gear looks sick, love the set up