I'm proud to announce that my LP Cup of collisions has been released. It's not perfect but I had an amazing time writing and recording it. each song holds a lot of meaning to me. but my work is not done, it never is. Releasing music is great but there is so much more to it than recording and releasing, promotion is an absolute necessity. promoting can be done with live shows, social media, and word of mouth. I cannot do live shows currently because I don't have a backing band, but social media and word of mouth are methods I can use. an enormous number of people use social media everyday. the goal is to reach the crowds, but doing so is not simple and by no means easy. Instagram is my personal preference, it is set up well for musicians and artist. with an image based interface it is important to create aesthetically intriguing posts regularly to keep your audience engaged. for this LP I posted frequently in the days leading up to the release and it paid off. the drop received a much bigger response than my previous one because I thought through the promotion more. It comes down to having 1) not shitty music 2) a plan 3) effort in promotion. with these three things, you are set.
the most important part of recording music is getting good takes with instruments and vocals. getting good recordings is the first and highest priority in the recording process. Once good takes are made you want to begin mixing. to mix you apply plugins such as compression, reverb, panning and so on. it is a good idea to listen to music you like, that would be a good example for your mix. I tend to listen to Dave Matthews band for this purpose. last night while listening I came up with some notes that I later applied to a song im working on called Aesthetic. I Equalized the alternating down beat shaker (used as a snare) to the root note of the key the song is in. a minor touch but I think it adds a lot to the mix. I also noticed how Dave's vocals cut through the layer heavy song; there was minimal reverb and decay, so I rolled down both of these parameters which yeilded positive results. It is like Anne Lammot referencing authors she enjoyed, especially her father, you want to read...
I started to listen to your album more and you really have talent. It is so hard to find an artist of this generation to be making this type of music, I love it man. It's like you are the college version of Tame Impala. Keep doing what you are doing, you'll definitely go far!!